Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Who knew maintaining a blog would be so difficult. I think my biggest issue is that no one reads this.  I suppose I shouldn't let that get to me because in a way I guess it is therapeutic to write.

I tried a homeschooling group park day today and the girls absolutely loved it. It was nice to see them able to play with other kids after months of being "stuck" at home. And, I must admit, it was great for me to have some adult time with someone other than my husband! Not saying that my husband isn't great, but a person needs to speak to more than 1 adult a week to not go completely crazy. (Well this person anyway)

Homeschooling has had it's trials, and it's rewards. We are finally settling into some sort of routine. The girls are getting better about getting to work in the morning. We are focusing on our math and language arts for the time being, and will switch to history and science when they finish up. I found a book that tells me what the girls need to know for each grade level and even gives recommendations on curriculum that will satisfy those requirements. It has been helpful for me.

Chores.... didn't work out for me.  They stuck with the chart for about a week and a half before they stopped using it, claiming to have forgotten about it. (Despite daily reminders) I have now decided that I will do the stuff around the house that has to be  done so that nobody dies. When the girls realize that  they have no more clean clothes they will have to do a load of laundry. I'm going to be less of a control freak and see how that works out for me.

On the writing front... I haven't, at all.  I have been working on my story for 10 years but I think that it's not the story that needs to be written right now.  I'm not sure what story is in me, but the one that I finally do write will be amazing, when I get around to writing it.  I know there is a story in here somewhere. Everyone was made to do something, and it is my belief that I was made to write. I feel so scatterbrained and all over the place most of the time. And it looks like my writing is going that way too right now.

Well maybe it will serve as an outlet for me, maybe it will give you a chuckle.  But regardless of my inability to be creative the last few years, I will do my best to write more often. Maybe somewhere in there I will come up with my story to tell. Maybe I will become more organized in my head. And maybe you will be entertained.

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