Wednesday, April 11, 2012


In the past 11 days I have gone to the gym, done a home workout or gone running 7 times.  I have not been as consistent as I would like to be with my work outs but I have noticed a difference.

Two weeks ago I was drinking a pot of coffee a day and still was very tired, this past week I have only been drinking one cup of coffee and having enough energy to make it through the day without exhaustion. So that is perk number one of working out, excess energy to do more things.  I also noticed that my desire to snack has gone down. I'm back to the forgetting to eat lunch. So perk number two would be less calories going in than being used throughout the day. We all know what that means right? Weight loss! So perk number two, smaller grocery bill because I'm not pigging out at dinner and there are more left overs, and I'm back to the 141lb mark. So the pounds I put on by not working out are going away.

I am also drinking a lot more water, (that could actually explain all of the above)... That makes me wonder, if I were to stop working out but just drink a lot of water if it would have the same effect. Nah, probably not. I'm still having pain in abundance, but I know that will start to diminish soon. 

Yesterday I went for a run on the treadmill.  I like to do interval training because, frankly, I can't run that far without taking a walking break. I started out as usual with running as far as I could without stopping at a pace of 5.5 miles per hour. I made it a mile before I slowed down to walk at 4mph, checked my heart rate, got a drink of water and then started running at 6mph for as long as i could stand it then back down to 4mph.  I did this cycle of running walking all the way up to 9mph and then back down again. Once I finished that I ran at 5.5mph again and increased my speed by .1 every 10 seconds up to 7mph and then decreased my speed by .1 every 20 seconds. After I was done with my walking break I noticed that I only had 3 min left of my planned 30min run, so I thought I would sprint at 9mph as long as I could and make up distance for all the times I walked.  I lasted about 1 min at 9mph until my heart started beating out of my chest. I quickly jumped to the side rails and slowed the machine down to 3mph so i could catch my breath and monitor my heart rate. The machine could not read how fast my heart was beating but it made me aware that it was beating at 100% of my maximum heart rate for my age.  I have an app on my phone that monitors heart rate so I pulled it out and checked it.  The initial heart rate was 200 then it paused and slowed to 80 then did a weird bubble pop somersault feeling thing then was beating at 200 again. It was weird and scary so I finished my run, wiped down my machine (Yes I wipe off my machine after I work out! I don't understand why so many people don't) picked up the girls from the kid's zone and went home.  It took about half an hour for my heart to go back to beating normally. 

I'm not sure if the workout was what caused the weird heart rate. I did take my medicine and haven't missed any doses so it wasn't that. I had a big stresser earlier in the day when a 7 or 8 year old boy punched my 5 year old daughter in the eye. I am not someone who will confront people, but I did. I get mad but people usually don't know it.  I was mad enough to be shaking, so I think my adrenalin was high. That could be a factor.  Anyway there has been no negative effects since yesterday afternoon.

I went for a run with my husband today. Maybe more of a jog/walk. We jogged and walked 3 miles through our neighborhood, up and down hills in the very hot weather. I enjoyed being out with my husband, but I didn't so much like the running part of it.  I may have to stick to the treadmill, at least for now. I felt bad making him run so slow. He usually runs 4 miles in the time it took us to run 3 (35 min) We had to walk the last half mile because I was very nauseated. My heart only hurt a little on the run today, it was more of a not able to breath problem. And apparently I don't run right either... who knew there was a right and wrong way to land on your feet?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Working out again

The biggest frustration is months of working out only to gain 3 pounds. Although I did take a month and a half off because of sick kiddos.  We can't be spreading the sickos around to other kids!

Although I have gained weight, I have also gained the ability to run for more than a quarter of a mile without stopping, I can do more than 1 push up and I have much better pain tolerance overall.  I'm not having the really bad recovery time anymore, and that is a definite bonus. 

When I first started working out again back in January I realized that I didn't have and decent gym clothes so I went on a shopping spree and bought a lot of size M clothing. It fit just right at first.  I noticed by mid February that I was in need of a size Smedium. Do they make that size? After my exercises sabbatical I am back into a medium again.  But the key to all of this is, that I did get smaller, but I didn't see it reflected on the scale.  So I got out of the habit of weighing myself every time I saw the scale (i.e. 50 times a day) I do weigh 5 pounds more at night than I do in the morning, and about three pounds more than mid day.  I figure if I weigh my self at night it will give me the motivation to go work out in the morning. 

Part of this "laid back" personality of mine makes me realllllly care that I want to lose weight, but not care so much about doing anything about it. Is there anyone else out there like that?!?!?!  I do not have an addictive personality at all!  There isn't much in this life that I couldn't live without. I could love it or leave it no regrets no hurt feelings.  Well except for my family and my relationship with God. Everything else, yes EVERYTHING else is replaceable, so I don't give it much value placement in my life.  I suppose that is why I am so easy going.

So for me, for now.... if the mood hits I have to act now or it will soon fade away.  If I feel like I want to run, I better run to the gym now and get going or in an hour I will have changed my mind and found something else to do. (Hmmmm, maybe I have add? SQUIRREL!)  So this will be one roller coaster of a ride to lose the weight that I have put on over the years of moves and medicine trials and horrible eating.  I will not be taking diet pills or following a specific diet plan, just doing it the good old fashioned way, exercising. And no I'm still not brave enough to post a before picture. (Haven't even taken one)

Part of my workout routine, for non gym running days is from Zuzana light!/ZuzkaLight
She has great videos of her ZWOW's or work out of the week.  They are motivating and quick, so on days that I don't have time to go to the gym I'll do one of her workouts and then go through my day.
On Monday I didn't have time to go to the gym and I didn't want to dedicate a certain time to workout. So as I was sitting watching TV after the girls were done with their school for the day I felt like exercising but still wanted to watch TV. So during the commercial breaks I squeezed in 10-20 reps of different exercises in three min. intervals.  I ended up doing 10 sets through out the day and I was sure sore from it the next day.  But the cool thing was, instead of channel surfing or just watching commericals, I got in a pretty great workout.  So there is an idea for anyone out there that does not have time to work out.... do it as hard and fast as you can during commercials all through the day and you will keep your heart rate up and calories burning all day long!

My goal now (after gaining 3 pounds) is to lose 23 pounds by this time next year. That is a 2 pound per month goal, and is do able if I stick with the exercises. And if I lose the weight slowly then it should be easier to keep it off.  No more "experimental lets see if this makes you feel better medicine" for me. Exercise and healthy eating and lots of water seem to be what makes me feel the best.  All of you autoimmune disease people out there take my word for it. I know you don't want to exercise because it hurts, but it gets better! Activity gets your body going again and helps it to heal itself.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Who knew maintaining a blog would be so difficult. I think my biggest issue is that no one reads this.  I suppose I shouldn't let that get to me because in a way I guess it is therapeutic to write.

I tried a homeschooling group park day today and the girls absolutely loved it. It was nice to see them able to play with other kids after months of being "stuck" at home. And, I must admit, it was great for me to have some adult time with someone other than my husband! Not saying that my husband isn't great, but a person needs to speak to more than 1 adult a week to not go completely crazy. (Well this person anyway)

Homeschooling has had it's trials, and it's rewards. We are finally settling into some sort of routine. The girls are getting better about getting to work in the morning. We are focusing on our math and language arts for the time being, and will switch to history and science when they finish up. I found a book that tells me what the girls need to know for each grade level and even gives recommendations on curriculum that will satisfy those requirements. It has been helpful for me.

Chores.... didn't work out for me.  They stuck with the chart for about a week and a half before they stopped using it, claiming to have forgotten about it. (Despite daily reminders) I have now decided that I will do the stuff around the house that has to be  done so that nobody dies. When the girls realize that  they have no more clean clothes they will have to do a load of laundry. I'm going to be less of a control freak and see how that works out for me.

On the writing front... I haven't, at all.  I have been working on my story for 10 years but I think that it's not the story that needs to be written right now.  I'm not sure what story is in me, but the one that I finally do write will be amazing, when I get around to writing it.  I know there is a story in here somewhere. Everyone was made to do something, and it is my belief that I was made to write. I feel so scatterbrained and all over the place most of the time. And it looks like my writing is going that way too right now.

Well maybe it will serve as an outlet for me, maybe it will give you a chuckle.  But regardless of my inability to be creative the last few years, I will do my best to write more often. Maybe somewhere in there I will come up with my story to tell. Maybe I will become more organized in my head. And maybe you will be entertained.