Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Working out again

The biggest frustration is months of working out only to gain 3 pounds. Although I did take a month and a half off because of sick kiddos.  We can't be spreading the sickos around to other kids!

Although I have gained weight, I have also gained the ability to run for more than a quarter of a mile without stopping, I can do more than 1 push up and I have much better pain tolerance overall.  I'm not having the really bad recovery time anymore, and that is a definite bonus. 

When I first started working out again back in January I realized that I didn't have and decent gym clothes so I went on a shopping spree and bought a lot of size M clothing. It fit just right at first.  I noticed by mid February that I was in need of a size Smedium. Do they make that size? After my exercises sabbatical I am back into a medium again.  But the key to all of this is, that I did get smaller, but I didn't see it reflected on the scale.  So I got out of the habit of weighing myself every time I saw the scale (i.e. 50 times a day) I do weigh 5 pounds more at night than I do in the morning, and about three pounds more than mid day.  I figure if I weigh my self at night it will give me the motivation to go work out in the morning. 

Part of this "laid back" personality of mine makes me realllllly care that I want to lose weight, but not care so much about doing anything about it. Is there anyone else out there like that?!?!?!  I do not have an addictive personality at all!  There isn't much in this life that I couldn't live without. I could love it or leave it no regrets no hurt feelings.  Well except for my family and my relationship with God. Everything else, yes EVERYTHING else is replaceable, so I don't give it much value placement in my life.  I suppose that is why I am so easy going.

So for me, for now.... if the mood hits I have to act now or it will soon fade away.  If I feel like I want to run, I better run to the gym now and get going or in an hour I will have changed my mind and found something else to do. (Hmmmm, maybe I have add? SQUIRREL!)  So this will be one roller coaster of a ride to lose the weight that I have put on over the years of moves and medicine trials and horrible eating.  I will not be taking diet pills or following a specific diet plan, just doing it the good old fashioned way, exercising. And no I'm still not brave enough to post a before picture. (Haven't even taken one)

Part of my workout routine, for non gym running days is from Zuzana light!/ZuzkaLight
She has great videos of her ZWOW's or work out of the week.  They are motivating and quick, so on days that I don't have time to go to the gym I'll do one of her workouts and then go through my day.
On Monday I didn't have time to go to the gym and I didn't want to dedicate a certain time to workout. So as I was sitting watching TV after the girls were done with their school for the day I felt like exercising but still wanted to watch TV. So during the commercial breaks I squeezed in 10-20 reps of different exercises in three min. intervals.  I ended up doing 10 sets through out the day and I was sure sore from it the next day.  But the cool thing was, instead of channel surfing or just watching commericals, I got in a pretty great workout.  So there is an idea for anyone out there that does not have time to work out.... do it as hard and fast as you can during commercials all through the day and you will keep your heart rate up and calories burning all day long!

My goal now (after gaining 3 pounds) is to lose 23 pounds by this time next year. That is a 2 pound per month goal, and is do able if I stick with the exercises. And if I lose the weight slowly then it should be easier to keep it off.  No more "experimental lets see if this makes you feel better medicine" for me. Exercise and healthy eating and lots of water seem to be what makes me feel the best.  All of you autoimmune disease people out there take my word for it. I know you don't want to exercise because it hurts, but it gets better! Activity gets your body going again and helps it to heal itself.

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