Tuesday, February 11, 2014

110 ways to show your love

Valentines Day is upon us and it has been on my mind.  This holiday is hyped up as a time to spend money on the woman in your life. But is that really what it is all about?  Valentines Day was originally about a Saint that preformed acts of love to those who were persecuted. It wasn’t about chocolate and roses, showing love one day a year.


In the spirit of performing acts of love every day, here is a list of 110 things to get you started on things that you can do to show your significant other or children love. Let’s not only show our love on Valentines Day, spread the love and the joy.

For Her 


1-52 reasons I love you (1 for each week of the year)


3-Tell her you love her every day

4-Tell her you appreciate her

5-Compliment her

6-Give her new lingerie

7-A book

8-Your time

9-Your undivided attention

10-Clean the house for her

11-Arrange a date night

12-Help with the kid’s homework

13-Do the dishes

14-Help fold the laundry

15-Kiss her neck

16-poor her a glass of wine and take over kid duty

17-give her a card just because

18-Do a load of laundry

19-Baby her when she is sick

20-Tell her she is beautiful

21- Make her feel desirable (even if she just had a baby)

22- Look at her like she is the only woman in the world

23- 100 roses of many colors! Put a trail of Hershey's Kisses from the door to the tub in the bathroom, and then hang some roses from the shower head, and tape the note to the wall "Now that I've kissed the ground you walk on and showered you with roses, will you spend forever with me

24- Get up and take care of the baby at 3am even if it is her turn.

25- Change a poopy diaper without her asking you to

26- Kiss her when you walk by her

27- Respect her opinions and take them into consideration even if you think they are stupid

28- Ask her opinion before you make a decision that will affect you both

29- Pray for her daily

30- Watch a movie together (her choice)

31- Make compromises with her

32- Listen when she tells you about her day

33- Share your dreams, hopes and desires with her

34- Support her dreams

35- Buy dry erase markers and write notes on mirrors and showers doors or tile (not on porous surfaces it will not wipe off easily from laminate shower inserts)

For Him

36- Love note in his wallet

37- Love/silly note folded into his clothes

38- Basket filled with stuff for a romantic evening (Candle, lingerie, a game)

39-Going for a walk

40-feed the kids early and have a romantic candle lit dinner together.

41-Text him something silly/romantic during the day

42- Tell him you respect him

43- Show him you respect him

44- Rub/scratch his back

45- Rub his feet

46- Sneak up behind him and give him a long gentle hug

47- Compliment him

48- Make him feel desired

49- Tell him he is handsome

50- Look at him like he is the only man in the world

51- Ask his opinions before you make a decision that will affect you both

52- Tell him he is your hero, and show him that he truly is

53- Pray for him daily

54- Watch a movie together, and let him choose it

55- Compromise with him

56- A touch on the arm to let him know you are there

57- Bring him a cup of tea or coffee

58- Listen when he talks to you

59- Pay for a date

60- Share your dreams with him

61- Spend time in nature together

62- Exercise together

63- Share a knowing glance

64- Show interest in an activity that he enjoys

65- Wink at him

66- Support his passion (don’t complain if you are a hunting widow)

67- Try your very best to listen even when it’s something you don’t want to hear

For the little ones

68- A letter with a chocolate attached to it

69- Spend time together

70- Bake together

71- Do a craft together

72- Get them a small toy

73- Out to lunch kids choice

74- Cuddling while watching a movie

75- A book

76- Draw them a picture

77- Leave notes in their laundry

78- Put notes in their lunch box

79- Play catch together

80- Ask them about their favorites and keep asking because they change often

81- Show genuine interest in them

82- Go to eat lunch with them at school

83- Go on a date (Mommy and son or daddy and daughter)

84- Build a tree house together

85- Build a fort in the living room together and play in it with them

86- Plan and plant a garden together

87- Pray for them daily

88- Let them catch you smiling at them

89- Read a book to them

90- Talk to them like a real person

91- Be supportive of their dreams and goals

92- Give them praise for things done right

93- Teach them by guiding them, don’t do it for them

94- Smother them in hugs and kisses

95- Show them the love of Jesus

96- Teach them to enjoy the little things in life

97- Be their biggest cheerleader

98- Resist the urge to correct or fix their mistakes. (it is better to have a drawing or card with misspellings than a broken heart that you didn’t like what they made you)

99-Teach them to be self sufficient and praise them for doing well at it

100-Don’t always say no when they ask for something at the store

101-Discipline them when they mess up (not disciplining is not showing love)

102- Let them know you love them even when they mess up

103- Let them know that you will always be there to fight the monsters and the boogie man

104- Buy them new shoes for no reason at all

105- Get them a new outfit just because it is the 19th Tuesday of the year

106- Protect them (their minds, their hearts, and their bodies)

107- Make fun routines

108- Laugh with them

109- Treat them like a gift not a responsibility

110- Tuck them in at night

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