Friday, May 25, 2012

The number system

For the anononimity (is that a word?) of my children I have decided that rather than coming up with cute nick names for them that I will just call them #1, #2, #3 and #4.  This will be in age order and in no way indicates order of preferance, or it would look more like #1, #2, #3 and #4.... See what I did there? You have no idea who I'm talking about ;)

So to test this out, last night as my hubs and I were tucking them into bed I started with #4, and said "Good night #4, I love you." She of course giggled because #4 is the silliest and cuttest #4 you'll ever see.  My hubs joined in and started calling her #4 as well.  She likes it.  Then we moved on to #3.  I walked in her bedroom and it was clean, and she was in bed with the lights off.  I asked "Are you already asleep #3"  She shook her head yes.  "Ok then, are you going to pray with us #3?" She shook her head yes.  #3 is an excelent sleeper.  She will go take a nap if we tell her to and always goes right to bed when we tell her to.  "She smiled really big every time I called her #3."  So I guess that means she approves too. So lastly we went into #1 and #2's bedroom. #1 &2 share a room because they are about the same size and have almost everything in common so they share everything, so it's much easier for them to share.  I walked into their room saying "it's time for bed #1 and #2" they started laughing immediatly thinking of bodily functions with similar names.   Who said girls aren't grose? So we started our prayers and #4 came running into the room and jumped on top of #2 and gave her a bear hug.  #2 and #4 are really close.  We finished up our prayer and the jokes about # 1-4 started.  We couldn't stop laughing.  But we all agreed that it will be fun calling them #'s.

I wonder if this new system will keep me from getting their names mixed up when I'm calling them.  You know how us parents are, always calling our kids the wrong names.  But I'm pretty sure I can remember their birth order?.?

This morning I came downstairs and the girls were sitting at the island eating their breakfast in # order.... how convenient is that?  So I leaned forward and said "Good morning #4" and tried to give her a kiss, but she was too busy chewing and wouldn't give me one. Weird because usually she can't resist the mommy kissy face.  Then I scooted down and repeated with #3 -1 then came back to #4.  Then after her kiss she yelled "Milky kiss!" because she had a little bit of milk on her lips.

So from now on when I say something about #3 humming all day long, you will know I'm talking about the 3 child.  If I say something about #2 being 8 chapters into a Jane Austen novel you will know it's my second oldest.  And if I say #1 finished another book series in less than a month, then you will know I have an avid reader ;) And #4 is just a cutie pie, that loves her mama more than anything or anyone in the world, well except for maybe her favorite spot blanket. I think I'm a close second to the blanket. Oh wait, I just asked her, she said she likes me better.

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